Naruto's 10th ending song lyrics

風が吹いて 痛い 消えない思い
何を持っていこうか 集めて一つ
二度とない 二度とない 捨てるなんて馬鹿みたい
無邪気になって イメージ
As the wind blows, these painful memories won't disappear.
What were you thinking as you collected the old songs into one?
There is no second chance. There is no second chance. I know how foolish I look
The image of becoming innocent

This definitely isn't over
This definitely isn't over

愛の胸 焦がせ 線の夢 渡れ
縦横無尽 駆けて 手に掴む世界
雲がちぎれて 日がまた落ちて
ひとりのパレードが 動きだす
The flaming sight of my passion crossing a thousand dreams
passing over the inhuman beasts I seize the world in my hands
The clouds scatter, and the sun sets again.
This one-man parade starts to move

母権 基地術 審判 上昇 明暗 遭遇 生命 相愛
Adventure, Lucky Days, Trials, Climbing, Light and Darkness, Encounters, Life, Mutual Love

もしも言ってしまうなら あなたの髪を
嗅いで 吸って もっと 寄せ合う言葉
ワカラナイ ワカラナイ うわべだけじゃわからない
だからもっと深くしたい したい
愛の胸 焦がせ 千の夢 渡れ
縦横無尽 駆けて 巡り逢う奇跡
雲がちぎれて 日がまた落ちて
誰もが持っている ポケットに沈めた夜がある
そいつを灯すように 手を伸ばしては泳ぐ人
見つけられたならいい あなたの景色と同じもの
愛の胸 焦がせ 千の夢 渡れ
縦横無尽 駆けて 手に掴む世界
雲がちぎれて 日がまた落ちて
冒険 吉日 心拍 上昇 明暗 遭遇 生命 相愛

Why do people risk their lives for others?

From Uzumaki Naruto (<span lang="ja">うずまきナルト</span>):

Uzumaki Naruto: "Iruka-sensei (うみのイルカ), why do people risk their lives
for others?"

Iruka-sensei: "When someone dies, they disappear. Their past and present,
along with their future. A lot of people die on missions and in wars,
surprisingly quickly and easily. Hayate (月光ハヤテ) was one of them. The
one who dies has his own dreams, but there are people who are treasured like
those dreams. Parents, siblings, friends, and lovers, people who are
important... They all believe in and help each other. People who were there
since birth took care of them... And those bonds grow even stronger as time
passes. It's not just a saying. It will be so for the ones who are
connected, because it is precious."

Gaara - 我愛羅

Of course, some people might recognise the title. Sabaku no Gaara (<span lang="ja">砂瀑の我愛羅</span>) being a character from the anime series. The name means: Gaara of the Desert. The name Gaara (<span lang="ja">我愛羅</span>) itself is a combination of: ga-a(i)-ra, meaning: I, love, demon. In general you could read it as: "I love myself, I am a demon."

The kanji 'ai':

<img alt="" src=""/>

For some reason I love this Kanji. Consists of 13 strokes.